Reviewing as Procurement
  • 09 Aug 2023
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Reviewing as Procurement

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Article summary

As a Procurement Reviewer, you should complete the following steps to review a specification to which you have been assigned:

  1. Open the Specification and review the content
  2. Add comments, as you feel are needed, to the Reviewer Comment section
  3. Complete and submit the Review Completion Checklist
  4. Send the specification forward for further review, or back to draft

1. Open the Specification and review the content

There are two ways to open a food specification:

  • From the Portal
  • From the Views

Watch the video below to learn how to open a Food Specification from the portal

  1. Under the Assignments box, click "Food Specification" - a list of specifications assigned for your review will appear
  2. Click on the specification you would like to open

Watch the video below to learn how to open a Food Specification from the views

  1. Click on "My Documents" on the left-hand list of views
  2. Click on "My Food Specifications" - a list of specifications assigned for your review will appear
  3. Click on the specification you would like to open

2. Add comments, as you feel are needed, to the Reviewer Comment section

  1. Under the tab "Internal Review Feedback", navigate to the section "Internal Review Feedback"
  2. In the Category field, select which section of the specification your comment relates to
  3. Type the comment text into the Comment field
  4. Click the "Add Comment" button
  5. Your comment will appear in the sub-form below, including:
    1. Your name under the Author field
    2. The Date and Time the comment as posted


  • This field should contain section of the specification your comment relates to
  • Search and select one category from the drop-down


  • This field should contain text paragraphs of the comment you wish to submit

Add Comment

  • Click this button to submit your comment, once you have completed the category and comment fields

Submitted Comments Table

  • Once you have submitted your comment, it will appear in the table below
  • The comment is not editable once submitted
  • The specification owner will review all comments, and add a status of whether the comment and associated changes were Accepted or Rejected

3. Complete and submit the Review Completion Checklist

  • As a reviewer, once you have submitted your comments on the specification you must complete the Review Completion Checklist (RCC)
  • This is a record that guides you through all the steps/checks for you to complete as part of your review, and allows you to tick them off to confirm you have reviewed those elements
  • The RCC has different types of checklists to be completed depending on what your roles is (e.g Procurement, Nutrition or Operations)

How to open a Review Completion Checklist from the specification

  1. Under the tab "Internal Review Feedback", navigate to the section "Reviewer Checklist Completion"
  2. Go to the field Review Completion Checklist Links
  3. Click on the hyperlink to the RCC that is assigned under your name

How to open a Review Completion Checklist from the view

  1. Under the view folder "Review Completion Checklists", navigate to the view "Review Completion Checklists"
  2. Search for your name under the column Signee
  3. Click on the relevant RCC associated with the specification you would like to review

How to complete a Review Completion Checklist

  1. Open the RCC
  2. Select the Checklist Type
  3. Check the checkboxes for the review steps you have completed
  4. Mark the RCC as complete, by sending it to the Completed phase

Checklist Type

  • Select the type of review checklists according to your role/function

Completing checklist

  • In this example, the user has selected Procurement
  • The Procurement checklist is visible
  • You should complete the checkboxes according to the review steps carried out

Moving the RCC to complete phase

  1. Once the checkboxes have been ticked, click Complete on the workflow at the top of the RCC record
  2. Click "Send" in the pop-up window
  3. Under the specification, you can see the checklist is now complete

4. Send the specification forward for further review, or back to draft

Remaining steps:

  1. Send the specification record itself forward- moving it either:
    • Onwards for further review by other stakeholders
    • Back to draft for assessment of reveiw comments by the specification owner
The FOSTER system automatically determines whether the specification is going for further review of back to draft. Therefore, the steps to move the specification forward are identical.

Send the specification record itself forward

  1. Click Send, in the top-right corner of the document
  2. Check the "Assign To" field
  3. Click Send, in the pop-out window

Watch the video below for a quick summary on how to review a specification, submit comments and complete the checklist.

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