Procedure - Inspections for outdated specification versions
  • 08 Jun 2023
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Procedure - Inspections for outdated specification versions

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Article summary

This is a user guide for reporting inspection results in FOSTER where the:

  1. The specification version contracted is outdated 
  2. It has been superceded by a new version, released by WFP

Important note:

  • The steps below show where actions are different between Pre-Shipment Inspections of up-to-date specifications, versus versions that are outdated but remain contracted
  • All other parts of the process should be conducted as per the standard Pre-Shipment Inspections process on FOSTER.

Quick links relevant to you:

  1. How does this affect reporting in FOSTER
  2. Excluding non-tested parameters procedure for Inspection Company users
  3. Excluding non-tested parameters procedure for WFP users

How does this affect reporting in FOSTER?

When comparing an outdated specification with its newer version, there may be three ways in which the required test parameters differ:

  1. Test parameters present on both versions (outdated and current), but may have different limits
  2. Test parameters are present in the outdated version, and not in the current, new version
  3. Test parameters are present in the current, new version and not in the outdated version

How you should report and act on these differences is shown in the table below:

For test parameters that areā€¦

Present in outdated/superceded specPresent in outdated/superceded specNot present in outdated/superceded specs


Present in current live specNot present in current live specPresent in current live spec
Action for Inspection CompanyComplete results as normal (regardless of whether the limits are different)1. Include and insert these parameters as additional tests to the Master Inspection Record (click here for guidance), at the discretion of WFP Procurement (in relation to the contract) and the WFP FSQ officer
 2. Take care to make sure min/max limits are entered correctly
1. IC should check with WFP Procurement if these tests should be included in the testing
 2. Where possible they should conduct tests and enter results into the ILA
3. If WFP determine these parameters are not to be included, then IC should complete tests according to procedure (click here)
Action for WFPIn the case of a deviation, the FSQ officer should assess if this deviation is due to a specification version issue, and will mark this accordinglyIn the case of a deviation, the FSQ officer should assess the deviation as normal1. WFP (Procurement and FSQ) should provide clear guidance to the IC on test parameters not to be included
2. FSQ Officer should mark the deviation class as "Not tested" for parameters entered under excluded test parameter reporting procedure below (click here)

What are the alternate steps for excluding test parameters that are not tested from ILA results?

A.  Excluding non-tested parameters procedure for Inspection Company users

Master Inspection Records

These should be created and filled out as per normal process

If additional tests need to be added, then follow the guidance shown here

Individual Lab Analysis

1. Inspection Type

There is no change to the Type of Inspection in the case of outdated specifications. Type of Inspection should remain as the default - Pre-shipment Inspection

2a. Marking a Qualitative Test as "Not Applicable"

To mark a qualitative test as "Not Applicable" you must input the following:

  1. Result Acceptable field enter:
  2. Result Description field enter
    Not Tested ER

When ILA record is saved you will see the Pass/Fail updated to:

Not Applicable

2b. Marking a Quantitative Test as "Not Applicable"

To mark a quantitative test as "Not Applicable" you must input the following:

  1. Result field enter:
  2. Uncertainty field enter

When ILA record is saved you will see the Pass/Fail updated to:

Not Applicable

B. Excluding non-tested parameters procedure for WFP users

3. Reviewing deviation Class for "Not Applicable" Tests

  • All ILA records that are indicated to be excluded (i.e Not Applicable) must go through the FSQA Review phase
  • The FSQA Officer should review the ILA and make sure that the tests that have been marked "Not Applicable" are appropriate
  • The Deviation Class for these tests will automatically be entered as:
Not Tested

After this, the ILA can be processed as normal:

  1. Send to "Final Review"
  2. Final review completed by the Procurement officer
  3. Send to "Completed"

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