Creating Lab analysis and Entering Results
  • 09 Feb 2024
  • 5 Minutes to read
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Creating Lab analysis and Entering Results

  • Dark

Article summary

Creating Individual Lab Analyses and Entering results

Once the Master Inspection record has been routed to Inspection phase.

All users assigned to the Master Inspection Record (MIR) for purposes of creation of lab analyses and entry of results will receive an email notification.

In case you need to update the individual lab analysis records on FOSTER and you were inadvertently left out and that you are not among the users assigned to the Master record during the drafting phase, the following should be done.

  • Check who is already assigned to the MIR by clicking on the Inspection icon to reveal user as shown below

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  • Ask one of your inspection colleagues already assigned to the MIR to do the following.
  1. Route the MIR to initiate phase
  2. Add you to the list of assignees
  3. Route the MIR back to inspection phase

Once you have access to the Master inspection record the following steps need to be following to

Steps to follow

  • Click on the ‘Create Analysis’ button as shown in the video below
  • Open the Individual lab analysis (ILA) and fill in the fields shown in the tables below

General Information

Field to complete

  • Tender No
  • Food PO Number
  • Food PO Line-Item Number (If applicable)
  • Additional Producer Name(s) – if applicable

Lab Analysis Information

Field to complete

  • Type of Inspection
  • Name of the Laboratory
  • Testing Sample Number
  • Sublot Quantity (MT)
  • Date of Sampling
  • Date of Test Result
  • Premix

Vendor Lot Number(s) or Crop Year Tested

Field to complete

  • Vendor Lot Number / Crop Year

Upload/Download Analysis Result

Lab results can be entered into two ways.

  • Using smart excel pre-built templates (through bulk upload)
  • Manual entry

How to fill quantitative results using Manual entry approach

In this method, you will be filling both the quantitative and qualitative analysis results sub forms row by row.

See below the steps to consider when filling in the quantitative results sub form

  • Navigate to the ‘Quantitative Analysis results’ sub form.
  • Enter data to all the mandatory fields marked with red asterisk (*)

Please see a detailed description of data expected for each of the fields in the ‘Quantitative Analysis results’ sub form.

Quantitative Analysis Results

Field to complete

  • Result
  • Uncertainty+/-
  • LOD (if applicable)
  • LOQ (if applicable)



  • This is a numeric value which need to be added.

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  • This is a numeric value which has to be added during entry of lab results.

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  • This is numeric value
  • When reporting LOD and LOQ microbiology lab tests results the following guide needs to be considered.

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The fields below are initialized with values from the database

Analysis Name

[single-line text] [Database-inherited, non-editable]

  • This is a text field and will be inherited from the database


[single-line text] [Database-inherited, non-editable]

  • This is a text field and will be inherited from the database


[number] [Database-inherited, non-editable]

  • This is a numeric field and will be inherited from the database


[number] [Database-inherited, non-editable]

  • This is a numeric field and is inherited from the database

Type Analysis

[single-line text] [Database-inherited, non-editable]

  • This is a system driven text field and will be inherited from the database


[single-line text]  [system triggered,  non-editable]

This is an automated text field

  • It can take the following values either a ‘PASS’ or a ‘FAIL’


[single-line text] [system triggered,  non-editable]

  • This is an automated field-it will be updated once qualitative and quantitative results have been filled and saved.
  • This can take up the value Red, Amber, Green

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Reporting Additional quantitative analysis test results

Incase additional quantitative tests were requested by WFP the following steps have to be taken to undertaken.

  • Navigate to the “Add Additional Test Results” sub form
  • Under the ‘Choose Category of Analysis’ (text box with radio buttons) click on ‘Quantitative Specification Details’ and the following sub form will pop up.

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  • Enter the Analysis Name, Min, Max, Unit, Type of Analysis, Analysis code (if applicable) and Method
  • Click on ‘Insert Record’ button
  • Once the button is clicked the record will be automatically added to the quantitative results sub form and you will be redirected to this form to enter the below data points in the ‘Quantitative Analysis Results’ sub form.

Field to complete

  • Result
  • Uncertainty+/-
  • LOD (if applicable)
  • LOQ (if applicable)
  • Click on the ‘save’ button

How to fill qualitative results using Manual entry approach

See below the steps to consider when filling in the qualitative results sub form

  • Navigate to the ‘Qualitative Analysis results’ sub form.
  • Enter data to all the mandatory fields marked with red asterisk (*)

Please see a detailed description of data expected for each of the fields in the ‘Qualitative Analysis results’ sub form.

Qualitative Analysis Results

Field to complete

  • Result Acceptable?

Result Acceptable?

[radio button]

  • This needs to be filled by the user

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Reporting Additional qualitative analysis test results

Incase additional qualitative tests were requested by WFP in the contract then the following steps have to be taken to undertaken.

  • Navigate to the “Add Additional Test Results” sub form
  • Under the ‘Choose Category of Analysis’ (text box with radio buttons) click on ‘Non Quantitative Specification Details’ and the following sub form will pop up.

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  • Enter the Analysis Name, Requirements, Type of Analysis, Analysis code (if applicable) and Method
  • Click on ‘Insert Record’ button
  • Once the button is clicked the record will be automatically added to the qualitative results sub form and you will be redirected to the ‘Qualitative Analysis Results’ sub form.

Field to complete

  • Analysis Name
  • Method
  • Type of Analysis
  • Requirements

How to fill lab tests results using SMART excel tool

This method is relatively faster and efficient as compared to the manual approach.

There are two SMART templates available one for uploading qualitative and another for quantitative lab tests.

Below are the steps to follow to upload quantitative results into FOSTER.

How to fill quantitative results using SMART excel tool

Steps to follow

  1. Navigate to the ‘Upload/Download Analysis Result’
  2. Click ‘Select Template’
  3. Rename the file for ease of reference using the format ‘ILA-XXX’ where ‘XXX is to be replace with the number of the ILA.
  4. Download the file to your local drive

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  1. Fill in the data in the fields highlighted below LOD, LOQ should be filled when available

  1. Save the updated file
  2. Click on Add File(s) to upload the template
  3. Click Ok as shown below

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How to fill qualitative results using SMART excel tool

Steps to follow

  • Navigate to the ‘Upload/Download Analysis Result’
  • Click ‘Select Template’
  • Rename the file for ease of reference using the format ‘ILA-XXX’ where ‘XXX is to be replace with the number of the ILA.
  • Download the file to your local drive

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  1. Fill in the data in the fields highlighted below Result, Result Description and Method Applied should be filled when available

  1. Repeat steps VI-VIII

Additional Lab (if applicable)

In the event there are additional laboratories contracted to conduct some tests the name of such laboratories should be included in this field.

Steps to follow

  • Click on the ‘add Record’ button
  • Enter the name of the laboratory in the field shown below

Field to complete

  • Name of the Laboratory

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Lab Analysis Report and Attachments

This section has two fields which are non-mandatory as shown below;

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Field to complete

  • Inspector Comment
  • Attachments

Inspector Comment

[multi-line text]

  • This field contains any auxiliary information for the inspection process

Once all the results have been entered it is important to verify the following.

  • All mandatory fields have been filled
  • POFS and Food PO, Tender number and Vendor lots/Crop year details are correct

Next will be route the Individual lab analysis for procurement review by clicking on the green button on the workflow as shown below.

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