Completing the Specification overview
  • 13 Feb 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

Completing the Specification overview

  • Dark

Article summary

Specification details

Specification Name

  • The official name of the specification, according to agreed naming guidelines.


  • The number of that current version of the specification
  • This number should always be a integer value
Automation note:
This field will update automatically after the first version of a specification is published

Date of issue

  • The date which that particular version of the specification was published (Approved)
Automation note:
This field will update automatically after the first version of a specification is published

Replacing Version

  • The details of the version(s) that this version of a specification is replacing when it is published
  • It is a free-text field to be able to contain details of more than one version

Generic or Non-Generic

Is Specification a Generic Spec?

  • Radio toggle button determining if the specification is considered a WFP Generic specification or not

FSQ Commodity Group

Document ownership

Owner [Single User-Select]

  • The Owner of the specification
  • The Owner is responsible for:
    • Adding content to the specification
    • Managing its review cycle, including sending the specification to review and endorsement stages
    • Reviewing feedback or update requests for the specification made by stakeholders
    • Creating revisions of the specification when needed
Automation note
When creating a 'New' specification draft, the system will automatically pick the current user as the Owner of the specification

Applicable Languages

  • The language in which the specification is written
  • Selectable values:
    • English (default)
    • French
    • Spanish

Specification Reviewers, Endorsers and Approvers

Internal Reviewers List

  • The list of users to be assigned to review the content of the specification and provide feedback comments
  • These users will be assigned the specification document in the Internal Review phase
  • When one user has completed their review, the specification document will be assigned to the remaining users who have not yet reviewed it
  • The field operates as a multi-user select field

Procurement Reviewers

  • List of users from Procurement assigned to review the content of the specification and provide feedback comments
  • The field operates as a multi-user select field

RB Endorsement needed?

  • Toggle button to determine if users for completing RB endorsement phase should be selected

RB Endorser(s)

  • List of users from RB assigned to review and provide and endorsement for the specification

HQ Endorsers

  • List of users from HQ assigned to review and provide and endorsement for the specification

This field is pre-set to default to user group "HQ Specification Endorsers"

Specification Approvers

  • The user selection field for assigning who will approve the specification
  • Selection allows only authorized users to be selected as a Specification Approver
  • Only one user should be selected

Electronic Distribution list

  • The list of users to be notified by email when the specification is approved and published

Specification Type and Layout Settings

Specification Type
[database selection] 

  • Select the associated Specification Type for the specification
  • This determines:
    • Pre-filled common content for that Type
    • Appropriate layout template
    • Visibility of relevant specification content sections to be completed

Selecting the Specification Type will automatically select the appropriate Layout Template
  • Watch the video below to see how to select the Specification Type

Layout Template
[multi-user select] 

  • The Layout Template is the FOSTER-to-MSWord mapping sheet that determines how the specification content entered into FOSTER should be laid out in the Microsoft Word document before this is converted to the PDF Specification
  • The Layout Template is automatically selected when the Specification Type is selected
  • Layout Templates are centrally managed by the HQ Specifications team
  • As a user, you do not need to change/select the Layout Template yourself.

Publish to GoDocs?

  • Toggle button determines whether the FOSTER system should publish/update the specification on GoDocs.
  • Set automatically to 'yes'

GoDocs access type

  • Toggle button determines whether the specification should be published as a Public or Private document in GoDocs.
  • 'Public' to be selected for generic specifications; 'Private' to be selected for country-unique or regional-unique specifications.

Specification Document Body
[Smart-Attachment Field] 

  • This field stores the Microsoft Word layout template. These templates automatically push and/or pull content from the specification in FOSTER, to the Word document.
  • When selecting the Specification Type, a Document Body field with the same name as the Layout Template will appear
  • When each document is added, it must be renamed to match the name of the specification being drafted
  • Watch the video below to see how to add and rename documents

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